baby elephant

Price*: $150 per person

Full package: transport, food, and entrance fees are included

Duration: 7-8 hours
Group size: 2-4 people
¨Transport from Lusaka is included.

*Platba se provádí při příjezdu.

Pro více informací nebo rezervaci vyplňte kontaktní formulář.

Each person who buys this activity supports the school in purchasing water for one week.

Krmení slůňat a piknik v Národním parku Lusaka

Průvodce aktivitami: Pavel

Support the orphaned baby elephants while enjoying African nature just on the edge of Zambia's capital city.

Learn about African wildlife and watch baby elephants eating their lunch

While exploring Lusaka National park, we will visit Wildlife Discovery Centre, where you can learn some facts about Zambia and its wildlife. Part of this center is the Elephant Nursery, where we will watch feeding baby elephants. You will understand more about their program, which incorporates elephant rescue, rehabilitation, and their release back to the wild.

Have picnic and climb the observation tower

Afterward, we'll have a picnic together. During the food preparation, the more adventurous ones can climb the observation tower and enjoy the amazing view.

Watch the game at National Park

The program also includes watching wildlife found in the national park.

Kontaktní formulář

Please, fill in your details to make the reservation. Or send us your message.

Více informací o Zambii najdete na našem blogu

Další zkušenosti

Krmení slůňat a piknik v Národním parku Lusaka
Discover Lusaka National Park, watch rescued baby Elephants eating their lunch, and enjoy a picnic surrounded by African nature. You will also learn about local fauna during this trip.
Prohlídka města Lusaka, kulturní vesnice a zážitky s místním autobusem
Explore Lusaka from the view of locals. Push your limits, step outside your comfort zone, and move around the city the local way. Buy some souvenirs as well.
Vařte a vychutnejte si tradiční zambijské jídlo připravené na dřevěném uhlí v místním prostředí
Become part of a local family, learn about their lifestyle and Zambian foods, enjoy typical food, and participate in its preparation.

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